
Learn more about Wholeness Restored Healing.


Hello there,

I’m Kyle Fisk, a Certified ThetaHealing® Practitioner and AuraCloud® System Analysis provider, located in Seneca, IL. I offer in-person and virtual sessions, depending on your preference or the service you choose.

I use several different healing techniques as I work with each individual and intuitively choose what works best, in that moment for that individual. 

I feel lucky to have been introduced to “energy work” modes of healing decades ago, as a teenager, when my parents began to take us to a chiropractor who used a method called kinesiology, a bio-feedback mechanism known as “muscle testing.” It opened my mind to the possibilities!

Kyle Fisk, Certified ThetaHealing Practitioner

When I married and moved away,  I no longer had that kind of help available for addressing my health issues, and I decided I needed to learn how to help myself and my family. I began with the physical level, learning about herbs and supplements, then moved to learning tapping and scripting techniques to clear stuck emotions and change limiting beliefs.

ALL of these various methods work, and I have stories of profound shifts. I had always felt there had to be a more effective and efficient way to heal.  Finally, I learned about ThetaHealing and became a certified practitioner. Now, I am ready to offer the benefits of my learning and my God-given gifts to the world.

If you would like to get to know me and learn more about how I can help you become whole, please book a free consultation. I look forward to meeting you!

With love and gratitude,


“Kyle has helped me to transform my life more than anyone else I've ever worked with. I find her compassion and personal depth to be unparalleled.”

— Stephanie, Texas